Some times, for some obscure reason, you are asked to generate strings of letters from a larger string with restriction on string size and overlapping Window. For eg. You are asked to generate 3 letter word/string from “Apple” with one alphabet overlap. From Apple, you would be generating, App, ppl, ple (one character overlap). You also would like to put in a data fram for further manipulation. Here is an example with radom letters of DNA code (ATCG).

print ("string is ATCGATCGGGTTTAC")

[1] “string is ATCGATCGGGTTTAC”

Now the requirement is to print 6 letter strings, with one letter overlap. There are many ways to do it. Let us do it in a simple way.

str_match_all("ATCGATCGGGTTTAC", "(?=(.{6}))")[[1]][,2]



Now that we did this, this is temporary stop gap. Now let us make a general function, where user would provide a character vector (with long string), length of required of word and overlap window.

    return(, dnn = "String"), responseName="Counts"))

Now let us extract 6 letter length (hexamers) words with one character overlap


String Counts

  1. AC 1
  2. AT 2
  3. CG 2
  4. GA 1
  5. GG 2
  6. GT 1
  7. TA 1
  8. TC 2
  9. TT 2

Now let us extract 6 letter length (hexamers) words with two character overlap


String Counts

  1. ATCGAT 1
  2. ATCGGG 1
  3. GGTTTA 1

Now let us extract 6 letter length (hexamers) words with 5 character overlap


String Counts

  1. ATCGAT 1
  2. ATCGGG 1
  3. CGATCG 1
  4. CGGGTT 1
  5. GATCGG 1
  6. GGGTTT 1
  7. GGTTTA 1
  8. GTTTAC 1
  9. TCGATC 1
  10. TCGGGT 1

Now let us extract 8 letter length (hexamers) words with one character overlap


String Counts