One of the easiest conversions is to convert a tab file to fasta. Reverse is also true except that some times sequences are in multiple lines and can cause issues in format conversion.
Following is an example tab file to try on:
seq1 atgc
seq2 gcta
seq3 agtcg
Let’s list the methods to convert
$ seqkit -w 0 tab2fx <input.fa> -o <output.fa(.gz)>
$ awk -v OFS="\n" '{print ">"$1,$2}' test.txt
$ awk -v OFS="\n" '{$1=">"$1}1' test.txt
$ sed 's/^/>/;s/\t/\n/' test.txt
$ sed -r 's/^(.*)\t(.*)/>\1\n\2/' test.txt
$ parallel --colsep '\t' echo '\>'{1}'\\n'{2} :::: test.txt
$ while IFS=$'\t' read i j ; do echo ">"$i"\n"$j ; done < test.txt