Some times brain acts like a child. Let us a give an example of conversation between me and my kid.  Background is that I am trying to give her (10 yo) example of bird flying and principle behind aeroplanes.

me:  Hi! do you know how birds fly?
kid:  which one exactly?
me:  any bird. sweetie!
kid:  well, be specific. You ask me to be specific.
me:  let us say crow
kid: You mean the crow that keeps cawing on outside tree
me: yes
kid: Do you know yesterday it was limping?
me: why? did you do any thing?
kid: no, i think some one hit it.
me: oh bad. One should not harm animals willingly. We should care for other humans and animals. (not realizing that she pulled me into her world)

Now my self and brain (Mr. B- Male brain):

me: Hi! I saw  a post and user wants to get rsIDs
Mr.B: well, what format is the data?
me: VCF
Mr.B: How can you get rsIDs for vCard format?
me: It's not contact format. It variant call format.
Mr.B: oh okay.
me: Now I want a method. Give me now
Mr.B: sure, take this loop in R.
me: great. Thanks. I will work on it.
Mr.B: (after 5 min) You know what? I have apply method. No need of loop.
me: Why didn't you tell me earlier. Give me that.
Mr.B: (after 5 min) You don't even need R. You can use bedtools and intersect
me: oh boy. Give me that.
Mr.B: (after 5 min). Well, you don't need even that. You need awk, parallel and tabix. Simply extract it from NCBI servers.
me: (banging my head virtually), give me that. Why didn't you give me this first?
Mr.B: I am getting sleep. Moreover, you suffer from staircase wit.

Well, this is how I get side tracked and never be able to get answers straight. Let me get to the point. Some one requested to get rsIDs, given chromosome coordinates for genome build b37/hg19. I had to do three times almost. Here is the input file:
chr1    207679307    207679307
chr1    207684192    207684192
chr1    207685786    207685786
chr1    207685965    207685965
chr1    207692049    207692049
Now user wants to get rsIDs, alleles. We can annotate using R, Shell (shell + system tools). Let us look at all the options. First let us do it in command line using awk, parallel and tabix 

$ awk '{gsub("chr","",$1)} {print $1":"$2"-"$3}' coord.txt | parallel --delay 1 tabix {} | awk -v OFS="\t" 'BEGIN {print "chromosome","Coordinate","rsID","Ref","Alt"} {print "chr"$1,$2,$3,$4,$5}'
chr1    207684192    rs12037841    T    G
chr1    207679307    rs4844600    A    C,G
chr1    207685786    rs4266886    T    C
chr1    207692048    rs386638846    CATC    CGTT
chr1    207692049    rs6656401    A    G,T
  1. First we will chop of string "chr" from the first column (using awk) 
  2. Use parallel to send parallel requests to NCBI servers to get the information. 
  3. get desired output by Awk operations as follows:
    1. Print header (using awk begin)
    2. Append string "chr" to the first column 
    3. Print the columns using information from NCBI. Output from tabix is in general is VCF. So we take first 5 columns.
Now let us do the same with biomart and R (with loop and without loop):
  1. First read file
  2. Create enviroment for biomart to download the annotations from
  3. Create empty data frame to fill later
  4. Use with and without loop methods for getting annotations.
## Load the coordinates file
$ coords=read.csv("coord.txt", stringsAsFactors = F, strip.white = T, header = F, sep="\t")
## Chop off string "chr" from the first column.
$ coords$V1=gsub("chr","",coords$V1) 
## Load library biomart
$  library(biomaRt)
## Create a mart and dataset from which we would like get information from
$ mart=useMart(biomart="ENSEMBL_MART_SNP", host= "", path="/biomart/martservice", dataset="hsapiens_snp")
## Create an empty data frame. Rows do not matter. Number of columns must ## be same number as attributes in getBM function.
$ results=data.frame(matrix(ncol=5,nrow=0))=
Now get the annotations using a loop
## Now write a loop and append the output to dataframe (results) row wise (rbind) 
$ for (i in seq (1,nrow(coords))){
    ens=getBM(attributes = c('refsnp_id','allele','chrom_start','chrom_strand'), filters = c('chr_name','start','end'), values = as.list(coords[i,]), mart = mart)
Get the annotations using apply function, without using loop
$,(apply(coords,1, function (x) getBM(attributes = c('refsnp_id', 'chrom_start','chrom_end', 'chrom_strand','allele'), filters = c('chr_name','start','end'), values = as.list(x), mart = mart))))
Now one of the gentlemen on Biostars forum corrected the code that apply and loops are not necessary for annotation. I agree with him/her totally. Following is the better way in biomart:
## create a new dataframe with by pasting all the data into chrom:start:end format.
$ coords1=apply(coords,1, paste, collapse=":") 
## Now run the getBM function
$ getBM(attributes = c('refsnp_id','chrom_start','chrom_end', 'chrom_strand', 'allele'), filters = "chromosomal_region", values = coords1, mart = mart)
If you have any queries, please post some example data here so that I can understand the problem. Please do not describe the data. For some reason, let us say you have file in text format, where in first 3 columns are coordinate information and rest of the columns are some other data, you can use this tutorial to annotate the data: