Care2x is a open source hospital information system software. For further information look at the available information at

Here, I describe how to install and get it working on a ubuntu system (Maverick 10.10).

Few assumptions:
  1. User knows running http daemons (here, we use lighttpd)
  2. Knows how to start and stop daemons including database and httpd

  1. Download latest build from (as of Nov 8, 2010, available version is Care2x-HIS-2.6.27). Save it to a place convenient to you on your  (linux) system and extract it to a folder (probably to simpler  named folder like care2x).
  2. Launch synaptic or  package manager of your choice. Install following packages: lighttpd, php5-mysql, php5-gd,php5-common,php5-adodb, mysql 5.1 (server and client, both).
  3. Once you install all the packages above, check if your lighttpd is working. Go to http://localhost or It should display welcome page (titled "Place holder page"). If you do not see welcome page, see if daemon is running. httpd installation makes your system a webserver.
  4. Check if your mysql installation. If it is working, create a root user password and then create a user as a root. Create a database by name "create2x" and make the new user as administrator for this database. Allocating a new user for this database is for security purposes.
  5. Also check if your php installation is working.
  6. Now go to the folder, where care2x installation folder is located. Move it to either /opt or /var/www/. Edit lighttpd configuration file.(/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf) to point to index.html of care2x installation folder.
  7. stop and restart the lighttpd and check if your server is working proper.
  8. Once you are sure that both daemons are up and followed the procedure above, now you are ready for installation.
  9. Change the permissions to 777 on care2x folder.
  10. Now launch your browser (chrome and firefox, both work) and point to http://localhost/installer (assuming that care2x folder is made root folder in lightttpd.conf). 
  11. Now installation proceeds as shown on care2x website. 
I will soon post the screenshots.