Let us say you have 100 files (csv/tsv) and you would like to remove a column named "event" from all the files. You can do it with gnu-parallel and with one of the two excellent tools: tsv-utils and csvtk. Following is code to remove named columns from several text files in parallel:
with parallel and tsv-utils:
$ parallel 'tsv-select -H -d "," -e "event" {} > output_directory/{.}_new.csv' ::: *.csv
-H - header
-d - delimiter is comma
-e - exclude
"event" - column name to be excluded
{.} - Removes the extension of the file
with parallel and csvtk:
$ parallel csvtk cut -f -event {} -o {.}_new.txt ::: *.txt
-f - option to remove exact string (-F means you can use regex)
-event -remove event column and keep rest of the columns (if it is "event" instead of "-event", then program would retain only event column)