Tidyverse provides a variety of functions and these keep evolving. One of the interesting functions is "uncount". Uncount duplicates the rows based on the value from a column. Let us take an example, with a simple data frame.
> df=data.frame("alphabet"=c("A","A","B","B"))
Data frame has single column, with two "A" and two "B" and column name is alphabet. Now let us print the data frame
> df
1        A
2        A
3        B
4        B
One of the common function is to count A and B, print the number (frequency). This is easy and supported by multiple functions in R. Let us do it in dplyr.
> df1=df %>%
+     group_by(alphabet) %>%
+     count()
> df1
# A tibble: 2 x 2
# Groups:   alphabet [2]
  alphabet     n
  <chr>    <int>
1 A            2
2 B            2
There are some times, we need to rebuild the data frame or expand rows as per column n. Let us do this.
> df1 %>%
+     uncount(n)
# A tibble: 4 x 1
# Groups:   alphabet [2]
1 A       
2 A       
3 B       
4 B      
Now this function I have used elsewhere in the blog.