Plotly is a useful a graphing library available in python, R and other languages. One of the challenges for ggplot users is to add vertical and horizontal lines. It's a convoluted way in R compared to ggplot. Let us do it for iris data. We will take Sepal and petal lengths and draw a scatter plot. Though we are not making any scientific conclusions from the analysis, we will see how vertical lines are added to plotly graph.
# Load data iris
data (iris)
# Create plotly object with iris data and sepal and petal length are to be compared against
fig=plot_ly(iris, x=~Sepal.Length, y=~Petal.Length)
# Add markers to the object
fig <- fig %>% add_markers()
# Add vertical lines as layout shapes. Vertical lines are red in color and dashed
fig <- fig %>% layout(shapes=list(
        list(type='line', x0= 5, x1= 5, y0=min(iris$Petal.Length),
        y1=max(iris$Petal.Length), line=list(dash='dot', width=3,color = "red")),
        list(type='line', x0= 7, x1= 7, y0=min(iris$Petal.Length), 
        y1=max(iris$Petal.Length), line=list(dash='dot', width=3,color = "red"))))
# Plot the figure
Now look at the output:

On x-axis, Sepal length and on y-axis, petal length are drawn. Vertical lines are added as layout