Fastqvalidator tool validates the fastq files and prints out errors. For eg. one of my files, for some reason, had more quality values than the bases in a read due to which downstream processes were failing. Installation requirements are taken from and 

Assuming that user has sudo/ root privileges, please follow the procedure as given below:
  1. Install statgen dependencies as outlined in

    sudo apt-get install g++ libssl-dev zlib1g-dev
  2. Then download libStatgen source file as zip (from clone or download option on github page)
  3. Unzip the source and type 'sudo make'
  4. This would compile the necessary files
  5. Download fastqvalidator source file from github ( as zip file (from clone or download option on github)
  6. Unzip the source
  7. Replace the libstatgen folder with folder from step 4 i.e replace libstatgen provided by fastqvalidator with compiled libstatgen folder from step 4
  8. Within, fastqvalidator folder, type "sudo make". This would compile and creates a folder named "fastQValidator". Within fastQValidator folder, bin would be present where fastqvalidator binary is kept. Add this path to your system/user path.