Here is a simple row wise function. Following are assumptions:
  1. There are two conditions
  2. Column numbers are mutually exclusive and full (for eg if 4 columns are one group, rest 4 columns are second group for a 8 column matrix with row names as gene names, sample names as column names)
  3. Function doesn't have any other options that are offered by t.test. For advanced t.test please use t.test function it self with all the options.
  4. This function is a very simple script for row wise t test.
matrix is follows:
As you see above matrix has 6 samples and 6 genes. Number of genes and number of samples arbitrary here. So we are supposed to do row wise t tests with first three samples (samp_1 to samp_3) as one group, rest samples are in other group. t-test result in R stores the p-value in p.value and let us extract that and append it to the input matrix. Let us write the function and run the program.
Ttestpalue <- function(df, col1, col2) {
    df$pvalue<-apply(df,1, function(x) t.test(x[as.integer(col1):as.integer(col2)],x[as.integer(col2)+1: length(x)], var.equal = F)$p.value)
Input for the function is matrix, column numbers are starting sample column and end column of the samples belong to one group. Rest samples are automatically grouped to another group.

  1. Let us load the dummy data and you can download it here.Rename the downloaded file to "test.txt"

    Data=read.csv("test.txt", header = T, stringsAsFactors = F, strip.white = T, sep="\t", row.names = 1)

  2. Execute above function and a new function is created
  3. Execute following code to get the row wise p value.


  4. Now the output would look like this: