In ubuntu, chromsizes ca be fetched multiple ways:

Method 1:

In GATK pipeline, user has to provide chromosome sizes. For this,  "fetchChromSizes" utility from UCSC helps.  User can download it from here:

To fetch chromosome sizes for build hg38, user should run following command:

$ sh fetchChromSizes <UCSC genome build> <output_file>

Example: $ sh fetchChromSizes hg38 > hg38.sizes (for hg38).

Same information can be found by visiting the URL:

For any other build, change db=hg38 with appropriate genome build (For eg. dm3 will give Drosophila genome size and url would be:

2) Method 2:

UCSC, by default provides chromsizes from direct URL

For eg. for hg19, link would be and for hg 39, link would be

toget it direct in linux, run the following command:

wget -np -nd -r

-np, -nd tells the command that do not create any additional directories, download the file to the current director and -r instructs the command to fetch the file recursively.

Interesting number of entries in each build, kept on increasing. Look at the following picture: (compares between hg18.chrom.sizes,hg19.chrom.sizes and hg38.chrom.sizes).